Sunday, December 31, 2006

Life and The Ignorance

Listen to : Tsukiko Amano -- Crimson Butterfly

She just wondering if ever she died, will she be remembered? Did people will acknowledge her? She said to herself....maybe.


Why some people can hurt other people? Why some people can make other people wait? Waiting with the ignorance without calling, or saying hi... yet it was promised before? The questions remains unanswered until the time comes....

Why sometimes people can easily saying the 'L' words? Does it supposed to be a magic word?

And why people can easily fall for each other? Is that true that there is a love at a first sight or I dunno...

Why marriage can divorce? Are they unhappy? Who's the cause?

Why lover's can turn to friends? Can it be fixed?

But all the answers depends to all the causes....and there are too many causes with different answers...

Love and being loved is a terrific feeling, but when you love someone too much, it can cause grievous pain, which only you can cure it.

Miss and being missed.....it's a real pain....

"Is there any space for happiness? Can she be in it? Please...just for a while...
Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes."


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