Thursday, December 28, 2006

Life and The Hard Lights....

Listen to : Umbrellas -- The City Lights

If you see me at midnight
Walking the streets
You'll know it was me for I cannot sleep
I've pushed away the dreams
And spoiled the quiet
I'm propelled by fear
And not the righteous

So have you been to a place like this?
To see your breath as it paints against the sky
The fever is near
I wish you were here

I'm thinking ambitious
I've got this feeling things will be alright
So go break a leg night
Been given the green light

So go entertain them
They're waiting for you
They're waiting for you

Whenever I did look back at it I used to think that way, however, yesterday I got to change my mind for all 360°; there is still something that I can say I miss.
I feel like one of those days which i really feel so thankful for all that i’ve been given. Love can do so many things i’ve finally realized. And i’m truly blessed i’ve got someone who’s become the light that guided me out of that dark tunnel i once put myself into, someone who continues to be the bright light to my path…Is the love still in the air?
p/s....wish you were here...


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