Monday, December 11, 2006

Now And Forever

Project Title : Muli/ Now And Forever
Episodes : 26 Episodes/ 1 hour Show
Cast : Tony Eusoff, Carrie Lee, Alfred Vargas, Daniel Tan, Azizah Mahzan, Shukery Hashim and many more

It’s a count down…Another 7 days to go for our taping days in Malaysia. And another 20 days to go in Manila.
It’s fun although there are too many obstacle yet to be faced. It’s okay. The working culture might not satisfied both parties at first but we manage to handle that. We come out with one mission as we need to get this done with good quality. As they always said… blood + sweat + tears = laughter and joy.
The experienced was good. There are dramas inside the making of the drama. Meeting new people, making new friends. Argument, Loves, Laughter, Joy, Crazy, Angry. The feeling was good. We don’t hate each other. This is just kinda new experience for both country, yet a good learning process as well.
It's tiring, I dont even have time for myself, went to Pangkor and Ipoh for 3 weeks...and straight shoot in KL after that. It's okay. I'm not complaining, yet I am satisfied. A big applause to all the " Now And Forever " team... They are the one who makes all the things worked, and to our co partners from the Philippines, Direk Mac, Cheryl and also the rest of the team..... Thank You.


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