Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Life and The Uncertain

The Uncertain.....

It's so unfair when he wrote that, it's just added more wounds...and she hurts even badly.
How can he said that?
Does he know that he's the one who start all this? Does he realizes how suffer she was?
Does he even think about all the sacrifices that she did for him? If ever he know how she felt...
Still, she was thankful, for all these years there was love around, how he's taking care of her and pampered her. Those years won't easily being forgotten. And she blaming herself for not taking care of it. She said..." sorry " and crying.....
It's find to blame other's as she knew how far is the truth.
She was hurt...not just hurt...she's bleeding, but no one cares.

His quotes

To My Queen,
My hopes keep losing everyday..As you walk with other.
As she did walk with him 5 years ago, and it faded away, let her be happy....just once...let her find herself...give her space....Please.....

To My Queen,
You can lie anything you want,But you know i knew you.
She's good in manipulating. Yes...you said you knew her, but you won't know what's is in her mind...for real...people can't read mind....

To My Queen,
You said i never knew you,
Which part that i don't?
Every part, you don't know her as you rather hurt her than seeking for an effort to makes her happy, yes you did entertain her, you always be there for her, does it enough? Please answer....

To My Queen,
Did you know that i'm losing myself
At night alone?
Did you realize that she losing herself a long time ago....and she never did find her self yet...till now...she long gone....she's all fake....she's no longer the One that you knew...

After all....she wants to apologize for hurting people...If other's know how she's being hurt, badly..... She felt sorry for everyone...even more for herself....Feels like killing herself....

" Sorry " .....


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