Monday, July 10, 2006

Life and Mind...

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Listen to : The Two Of Us - Suede

I cant sleep.My mind was elsewhere.

I watched Just My Luck with da Dory, just to entertain ourselves, It’s a simple happy ending movie, Lindsay Lohan in it.
Da Dory was assigned to go to Indonesia, as I’m still stuck here, hope everything is in order the way it was planned., and I will get myself to the happy land again .

People talked about relationship everyday, and life sucked everyday, shit did happened.
Poor they, as I can’t comfort them, yet I’m not in that position to consult, just did the best way that I can to support them. A friend once said “GG don’t be in that position, no matter how strong you are, coz it’s uncontrollable.” Shit!!! Suddenly I’m scared….

When talking about me, I’m fine just a matter of satisfying or overwhelming. I’m not sure. My life turns upside down sometimes. I don’t know how to feel sometimes, lucky? Unlucky? I’m not sure.

What do you think of these?

Situation 1
People leave the one that they loved because they don’t love the person anymore. And without any potential reason, makes he/her waits for answers.

Situation 2
Everything’s fine, it’s about to get attached but one of them not yet ready facing commitment.

Situation 3
Parent’s bless. They choose whom you will marry to, it doesn’t matter if he/her love the person or not.

Situation 4
He/her not sure about how they felt for each other yet still care and loved.

Situation 5
Unfaithful or infidelity?

Situation 6
He/her confused what’s their position after being rejected, yet they still loved and hope in the air. Hope to changed and be loved again.

Situation 7
She still wants him, will do anything to make he accept her back, he got someone else, is it worth it if she still waiting and hoping? For how long ?

Situation 8
He’s attached, still think about his ex’s even making conversation about his ex’s with her girlfriend and ask question “ I love you, but can I marry my ex’s because I pity her?”

Situation 9
She's the lady boss, because he don't make just enough.

Situation 10
He doesn’t loved her anymore. She love him so much. He can’t say no because he will feel sorry for her.


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