Saturday, May 20, 2006

Life and S.E.C.R.E.T

Have you ever dream,
Seated in my place,
Thinking bout all the sweetness and sullen,
Nobody will know,
Perhaps you would sense,
Facing all the crowded words,
And you heart is not immortal,
Can you justify?
As the silence night makes me awake,
And how hard for me to immers,
But as honest if you could understand,
I'm here, will never go farther.
My story is not yet to the end,
Still can't see the burden your facing
I'm hopeless,
I just saved it to myself,
And let it be the secret.
Still when I live in the world call love,
It wont fade away,
I will stop saying,
Let it be the secret,
Which only my heart can tell.


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