Monday, June 12, 2006

Life and Time

Hey..the trip was fine. I've got company, da Dory, of course with three of our bosses. The meeting with GMA was fine, it was fruitful, as we finally comes to the decision where the project is on. Will start pre pro asap, and actual shooting days will be on the last week of August til October. Its a long way to go. Another Philippnes project with a different team, hell yeah!! It's a good team I supposed.
While in the Php, we managed to meet Roselle, Dodi and Karl, the trip wasn't long, Only 4 days and 3 nights, as usual it always valuable, we went to some clubs (x included the bosses -- but they 'having fun' too..hehehe), we went out for shopping, as usual makan, well, its good as I dont ave much time to spaend, its quite tight, I didn't shop a lot...thats a good achievement.

Episode 5

She doesn’t know where she went wrong, if she knew she want to turn back the time and fix it. Is it him? Is it she? Are they considering unlucky? She thinks again, she can’t even glimpse a vision for her future, is she totally unreliable? Hopeless? What does she wants? What else she wants? She can’t even answer. Can she buy happiness? Can she buy people ? Can she buy time? How can she sacrifice for her happiness? She can’t stop crying, but she can’t regret the pass. Does she need to cry everyday? Which part of her that she needs to change? Changes that can makes everybody’s pleased. She pity him, ‘the two of us’ she can’t be selfish to say that his are her’s. There are no blood related, they are just two strangers that meant to be with each other. Conclusion, her sadness makes her mind exaggerate furiously, no boundary. Can anybody save her from her mind?


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