Saturday, June 10, 2006

Life and HomoSapiens

Listen to Chevaliers de sang real – Hans Zimmer

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It was weekend. I love weekend. I just stay at home. My moms gave me ‘ sambal udang with petai ‘ although I didn’t eat petai ,but its as requested by da Dory.

Its 7 p.m.
I decided to write before getting ready for our movie. We will watch X Men 3 tonight.

Its 1.12 a.m.
I watched X Men 3 : The Last Stand with Hafez, Ain, Dory, Lin and Sab.
Overall, I still like Wolverine. I like Jean Gray/Phoenix red hair, and the dress also.
If I’m one of the mutant, what will I be? I want to be Phoenix as she’s the coolest mutant…hehehehe.
I don’t like Pyro character. I saw him as someone who always butter up Magneto’s ass, I don’t even see his effectiveness compared to other mutant..the best word for him is ‘poyo’..hehehe. Poor Scott..he’s dead..I don’t like him either, so it’s fine with me.

The World Cup started yesterday. My house was cram with Hafez’s friend yesterday….Its okay….once in four years. His favorite team Germany, emm…if you asked me, I’m not that interested with football, just a couple of cute guys that attract me, what a lame answer…excuse me…
Well, back then when I was 17 years old I used to like Manchester United, when Eric Cantona was their captain. I like Beckham ( his no 24 before ) and Ryan Giggs. I saved money just to buy their magazine…OMG…Those years man….hehehehe

I’m flying to the Philippines next Wednesday. I hope that I can go with Da dory, she still thinking…I’m going with my boss, that’s not too bad as I’ve been there few times already…I like to be there, it makes me happy…..besides the shopping is good too.

Episode 4

There was an assembling which just demand for those who are invited. His not going. Just the invited one. It was an issue of a matter of life and bonding. However it wouldn’t include her as she’s no special in front of their vary eyes, She just nobody full of sin, arrogance and selfishness. She had nothing. She’s not reaching the level which can be approved by them. They need to force themselves in front of him. He’s the main character, play the important part to fix the situation. She can’t help, coz she’s still fighting with her inner self, yet she is selfish herself. Let them be happy, let them be the light to bright their house, let them be somebody who will be adored by everybody, and yet she just staring from the ground, and watch their happiness. She promised, not even a single step, or expressing gratitude…let she be in her own world. The world that she creates herself, the world of selfishness. She asks for forgiveness from him and from Allah Al Mighty…..


At 1:41 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

Heyya GG. Love the marvel picture! Can you send it to me or at least direct me to the site? ^_^


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