Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Life...with Taurus

Happy Birthday To You. He had a good Birthday I think. I hope..
This is the best part..Early day he received a basket of rose with red balloons and 10 inch bear...how sweet!! hahaha..Its from his preferred enemy..da Dory...that’s her plan for Hafez birthday this year.....Its funny because we send the basket to his office and of course, his colleague will said..WTF? hahaha...This is how its written ‘Dear Hafez, Happy Birthday Sucker!!! , From : secret admire….whatever dude!!!
We had dinner after that at Korean BBQ Plaza Pantai, everybody were there, all my close friend and my sisters. Me and Hafez then watched Da Vinci Code, I didn’t give him anything this year, oops! sorry, just a small surprise, brought him to watch Da Vinci Code...gold class.ta da..its really comfy though...hehe..Have a good birthday...Month of May, month of Birthdays…Happy Birthday To All Of You…..Check out some pic
Conclusion :

Description - Taurus

Primary Characteristics
Self Reliant
Positive Personality Traits
Patient and reliable
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving
Warmhearted and loving

Can be jealous and possessive
Can be resentful and inflexible
Can be self-indulgent and greedy


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