Saturday, May 13, 2006

Life...Its The Same

I was so bored..Lazy saturday, I'm doing spring cleaning....and watching SCRUBS ( Third season ). Its fun, killing my time. I then surfing the net, reply some mails. I' m still excited about my new notebook, however I'm disappointed about my camera, I'll buy exactly the same one with 7.0 megapixel sob...sob...

I have plans for end of this year or probably early next year. I hope that I can send my sister ( Ain ) to Mellbourne, of course wih my parents. And I'll make sure I have some savings and will apply for leave as soon as I get the date...hehehe.

I want to go to the beach ( we might go in July )...I want to go diving..I'm afraid of water, but no harm trying since its a wonderful thing to do. I love staring at the sea, it reminds me from my previous shooting days back in Langkawi, I've been there for a month, I miss the smell of the sea, the sounds of the tidal wave, the fresh air and the peaceful environment. I wish if I can turn back time..and appreciate it even more....


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