Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Life and The Upside Down...

Listen to : One ( Mary J Blige and U2 )

My Precious...my two cats getting bigger day by day..As for Chino ( 6 months old ), my god....he's damn big..eat a lot....while Boty ( 8 months old ) still maintain maybe because she's a female.Well both of them stay INSIDE my house, luckily they were trained, so they know where exactly their "business room".I love when they 'meow','meow' and wake u up from sleep, its just because they are hungry, look at their face man....feel like squeezed it or broke them into two...either one...and Boti alwiz scratch at the scratcher while Chino will go to one of his fav comforter and drooling...whatever dude...Conclussion....both of the are cute..Poor Da Dory...she's a little allergic with fur...but since she just "poodleling" herself....maybe its okay is it..i mean with fur...? Hahahahaha...

Emmm....Currently Im watching SCRUBS...starting from the 1st season..Its entertaining...I never thought that its fun to watch....hehehe...well watch DVD can kill all my boredoom....as I prefer stay at home rather than go out, besides can save money too..Im too overspend this past few months, and I want to control myself man...hahaha...keep on saying this every now and then. Period.
Also watched...CSI Miami Season 4..although I dont like 'Calleigh Dusquense' that much ( probably I compared her to 'Sara Sidle' and 'Catherine Willow', besides her voice is annoying too)....but I love the entire show.The season almost end...another 2 episodes to go...( as usual download from torrent ).

Work life....is not hectis as it used to be, but Im stressing out here that I'm tired of working with all empty promises from the superior in this company.I know that I can go better than this, I can be what I want to be if im not here, yet sumtimes this hell make a room for me to tried something out,which I know I am capable to do it,it just a matter of do you have that opportunity to do it or not...if you do...why dont you just grab it and stop thinking about quitting.That's why sometimes I dont know what I want...I want to be good in what I did...and its not in the book its all about try and error....otherwise you wont learn...and thats the reason why I NEED to stay coz I need that...'opportunity to try and make mistakes yet learn from it'.

What AM I thinking ?

Envy ( a good one ).
Hatred ( For her, for them but not for him or for those )
Burden ( Not yet feel any )
Sad and Mope ( alwiz..all the time, never reduce )
Happy ( hipocracy yet 10 % true )
Laugh ( The Best Medicine )
Money ( Never Enough...hahaha )
Love ( Pain )
Monotonous ( Its a routine )
Moody ( Im good at it..need to minus that )
Anger ( Not to them....but for those...)


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