Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life.....And Politics....

Listen to : Home ( Michael Buble )

Hey...Yesterday was a public holiday...(Maulidur Rasul). Its good to be out of office,and its good to be home.I figured out there's a lot of unfinished things in my life....all pending...I keep on saying that I dunno what I want in my life...actually I do mean it....because I really dont know...I was at home...listen to all my fav songs ( its in my On The Go Lists )..and I was thinking, that I deserve to be happy, I deserve not to think about unnecessary thing which ended up giving me all the bad vibes...I stuck in my own head...I alwiz question myself..What is the key of success? How to be somebody ? Emm...the answer might be work smart...harder...but in this company...even if you devote urself until you die also....they will never appreciate.I heard a rumours saying that we will get an increment this year, but god knows when...probably its just another sweet empty promises from them.

Politic, is a commom issue, wherever you are, wherever you go....its alwiz there, just either u part of it or not, or sometimes you cant even avoid it....i'll alwiz make sure I wont involve in any part of this....even walls could talk...cant trust anybody....just one or two colleague who alwiz make me better...hehehehe...What is the best remedy to avoid office politics? Antisocial? Dont talk about other's?..How about if people talk about you? How about if there is envy occured among each other?...How is there is alwiz someone out there who care about other people business? How to deal with all that crap? Thats not in the job scope where you need to input all these and deal with this kinda situation....I just dont know.....U want to deliver things, U want to be good, U want to be smart....Hows that?
Im just confuse.....Its just so complicated....What is the answers?


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