Monday, April 03, 2006

Life As Hectic As It's Going To Be......

Hey...Work's getting hectic day by day, as I need to go home late almost everyday...i thought after Jom Ton Ton...i'll be rest for a while...but unfortunately...nope...the workline is on schedule...Im doing a cooking reality show which will be shot in 4 different zones...quite entertaining yet tiring. Preproduction must be good as we need to get a lot of sponsors especially for the lodgings and prizes....Thanks to my superior as he already approved my leave...I'm leaving for Philippines on the 19th....cant wait to see Ate....already plan our itinerary...tagaytay ( i want to see the floating volcano and cold air...fresh breeze....hehehe)..i cancelled my trip to Boracay as the flight ticket is expensive...Em..as usual..plan some shopping for new clothes....Philippines cheaper than Malaysia...
This Thursday ( on the 6th April ) going to Singapore for a meeting...one day journey....going at 8 am....meeting at 3 pm....and then going back at 8pm....what a day.....sure penat...
Emm...new updates...I have new kungfu fishes....3 of them...was talking with da Dory to open our own fish shop...maybe can earn more money ...even more than what we're getting now....hehehe....
Chino ( now known as cha-cha -- my cat...its getting bigger now...bigger than BOTI)
He ate a lot...ate everything....even eat the cheese and pickels....help!!!
Emmm....what else to update...Im starting not to wear slippers to work anymore (i said I'm trying but once in a while I know....I'm still gonna wear it...hehehehe)...my boss keep on complaining why I always wear slippers to work...comfortable ma......okie dokie, then today...everybody's shock when they saw me wore one....hahaha...what a joke man....


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