Thursday, April 06, 2006

LIfe Is About Playing Games....

My journey was tiring, but as I entered the bus..I'm totally feel calm and peaceful around....wonder why? probably because I'm far from office...I wish that I'm like a girl in the story books, which life alwiz end up with happy endings...I listen to the songs...felt like flying...I wanted to cry with no reason...I think harder...yup..I have my own sweet time yesterday ( 10 hours in the bus )...thinking bout how my life will end..Am i going to die early? Am I going to be successful? How I picture my self in another 10 years? I cant even answer that..Its beyond my control..How can I plan my life properly? What actually I want to achieve in this life? The whole thing so unclear...and I'm vulnerable.
I love my job...its totally challenging and fun, but I hate the way the company treated me..am I so unlucky? I dunno...
Im 25 years old now...but still I dun even in the middle of achieving something...yes, I gain experiences, but is that enough for life? Help...totally confused.
Sometimes when I heard about other's, I mean happy stuff....Im just smile, and dunno how to react..of course happy for them, but emm...I dunno...period.
Okay.....Da Dory, a friend that busy all the time..she totally busy last few weeks, handling Indonesian project...she's lucky, can learn new stuff with new boss,while Im stuck with so called alwiz right,never wrong boss...or whatever that I can call...sigh....life's alwiz sucker as I need to be in it...Is there any other room for me, any other character that I can play? I dun even know what game he play?
I hate complaining, as sometime I tried to keep it all to myself,but can I?


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