Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Life and Ordinary Tears

Silence : Delerium Feat. Sarah Mclachlan

Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

Chokes the flower
Until she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty
Hungry still for more

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...

I believe I can't help this longing...
Comfort me I can't hold it all in...
If you won't let me...

Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...

I believe I have seen you...
In this white wave
You are silent
You are breathing
In this white wave...

I am free

Monday, September 25, 2006

Life and Silence

The day never end, it just started. All of a sudden, I felt that I’m such a Looser. I want to fly high, but I can’t spread my wings. I want to be in the eyes of the creation, yet I’m too tiny and hard to acknowledge. I want to be the part of all happiness, yet I’m surrounded with sorrowfulness. What can I be? When can they notice? How will they discover me, that I’m one of them? Am I too low self esteem? She was a girl who has determination of her own, endure with her own world, yet confidence enough to proof herself. She did that to some people, she already demonstrates to those who want to know, she believes in what she see….eyes will never lies. Words can be a deceit yet, silence is a good remedy. Defend is a right word for this circumstances.

These are the crucial situations that make her bleed….

1001 Questions? Sometime it doesn’t make sense.
Statement? Make the heart broken
Truth? Hurts
Lies? Bleeding Inside.
Arrogant? So…..
Ignorance? Depression
Isolated? Calm
Envy? Never better
Wishful Thinking? Peace
Tears? Companion
Comparison? Kill
Intelligence? Things to be compared
Love? Doesn’t ensure happiness

She won’t say it out loud, she can’t express her feeling too much as it will cause so much pain to others. She rather keeps it to herself and play along with existence negative thoughts which sometime can kill her. Yet, the satisfaction of thinking and manipulating…only she knows BEST!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Life and Bla Bla...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Listen to : Romeo and Juliet OST

Aloha…..A stupid fable before I go to bed........

As the JV project called “ Again / Now and Forever “, the Pre Pro start this October and the Production will be somewhere in November. There’s a lot of hard work in October, luckily I have a really good team…We even have our own soundtrack for this 26 eps series, Php Version ( tagalong ) and Malaysia version ( Bahasa Melayu ). This project excites me so much, as it’s going to bring me to the dejavu land again. The cast has been selected… its surprise, once it’s really confirm, I’ll update.

There are a lot of stories lately ( can't tell all too many..emm..anger, sadness,happiness, depression, hatred....and bla..bla..bla..)Let me tell a good one... my lovely BOTI ( my cat ) gave birth to 3 kittens….damn cute…hehehe, one for me, one for Anis and one for Jay…for those, don’t worry, you are still in the waiting list. Can’t wait for them to grew bigger, as I want to squeeze them tightly.hehehe..just kidding.

It’s 1.56 a.m, I can’t sleep, maybe I slept too much in a day. Wait until 4 a.m and then ‘ sahur ‘..if not… surely I’ll be hungry tomorrow. Actually my superior gave us a complimentary off day for a week, because we work every Saturday and Sunday since 2 months ago, but when I think twice, I’ll get bored staying at home, might as well going to work….hahaha, maybe I’ll be on leave on Wednesday ( nak jalan-jalan).

I’m waiting every week on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m for Prison Break Season 2 torrent. I’ll download it before I go to work. Can’t download it in the office..will get scolded by our IT technician…so then after I came back from work, download complete hehehe…..and on Wednesday will bring it to work, and pass to the rest…OMG….copyright in Malaysia are really bad…..Period.

“ I am a girl who did no wrong,
I walked this side of path when I could,
I kept an angel in my pocket,
I do not think it did me any good”

Good night.....

Life and The Princess Hours

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Listen to : Heart OST


It’s Ramadhan, first day fasting. Its Sunday, less tiring. Woke up a bit later. My first Sunday stayed at home since 2 months ago. All the troublesome gone, yet came another hassle after the post mortem. It’s a challenging situation, yet its fun though. Me an the rest of the team really put all our effort into this, yes! We do satisfied for what we did, and how about the client point of views. I even asked the team even our superior “ Kita ni syok sendiri ke?” However, these are all games, yet I know that we did a good job, it just the matter of power, which they are the one who hold it, and absolutely we are the victim of all these…

Life is unfair sometimes. I even cried as I can’t see a clear picture of my future until last week, where my superior wants to be the Junior Producer of another JV project. Thank him. I’m looking forward to do this, and this is the reason why I’m staying. This temporary hopes can makes my heart beat faster and smile, its okay, as long as I can feel the heat. My best colleague left me, working with another Production Company. Congratulation to her. She did a good job..Surely miss her. Take this chance to thank her, she taught me a lot, and she’s the most crazy one that I’ve ever met and I treasure her a lot…Applause to Da Dory….

Time flew so fast. It’s almost October, I’m getting older in November. Hehehe.
I’m 25 years old this year. There are still a lot of question marks running in my head. Of course without any ANWERS yet. I’ll figure out slowly and make a list.

I watched some movies recently. The recent one was an Indonesian Movie called
“Heart”. It’s a good movie if you watched it once, and the second time you will find it a bit too draggy and you wish if like you watching a DVD so then you can fast forward it. Hehehe. It’s a good movie though, play with a beautiful scenery, what I like the most is the movie soundtrack…of course the music director is Melly Goeslow herself. No wonder…The soundtrack make the story more alive, I even have a goose bump when I heard it and noted that it’s been recorded with China Orchestra…Cool Huh!!!...Emm…wondering when can Malaysia have this kinda art work? Hehehe….Sorry.

“ Goong – Princess Hour “ – its Korean. My first Korean drama, as I hated Korean drama because as I found that their people are not that good looking ( I have a very bad experience with Korean before ) – my assumption only!!!
Emm…but I’m wrong, as I liked this drama quiet a lot..OMG!!! I’m 25 years old this year….Well…its all about fairy tale, and I supposed not to day dreaming anymore…hehehe…The soundtrack kinda cool…I listen to it almost everyday…( I know I’ll get bored later ). I watched the series non stop and I didn’t sleep until the next morning although I need to direct the next day….but I manage to do it….And on Sunday…I got fever because too tired and not enough sleep…Padan Muka!!...After all its worth it though….Period.

For those Muslim out there…” Selamat Berpuasa “…..:)

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