Monday, September 25, 2006

Life and Silence

The day never end, it just started. All of a sudden, I felt that I’m such a Looser. I want to fly high, but I can’t spread my wings. I want to be in the eyes of the creation, yet I’m too tiny and hard to acknowledge. I want to be the part of all happiness, yet I’m surrounded with sorrowfulness. What can I be? When can they notice? How will they discover me, that I’m one of them? Am I too low self esteem? She was a girl who has determination of her own, endure with her own world, yet confidence enough to proof herself. She did that to some people, she already demonstrates to those who want to know, she believes in what she see….eyes will never lies. Words can be a deceit yet, silence is a good remedy. Defend is a right word for this circumstances.

These are the crucial situations that make her bleed….

1001 Questions? Sometime it doesn’t make sense.
Statement? Make the heart broken
Truth? Hurts
Lies? Bleeding Inside.
Arrogant? So…..
Ignorance? Depression
Isolated? Calm
Envy? Never better
Wishful Thinking? Peace
Tears? Companion
Comparison? Kill
Intelligence? Things to be compared
Love? Doesn’t ensure happiness

She won’t say it out loud, she can’t express her feeling too much as it will cause so much pain to others. She rather keeps it to herself and play along with existence negative thoughts which sometime can kill her. Yet, the satisfaction of thinking and manipulating…only she knows BEST!!!


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